I started a new part-time job this week (still as a librarian, but this time in a Special Collections reading room, so the materials are suddenly much more fragile and valuable!) and I'm pretty tired. Back to work today (Saturday) but with the not-very-valuable books instead... and mostly reshelving. Such is the ignominy of being a library dogsbody! Still, I made a chocolate cake this evening, so at least I'll have something delicious in my lunch, though I says it as shouldn't.
I seem to have wandered away from the book/blog post/link format of my Weekend Miscellanies of late, but that's because each week seems to be bursting at the seams with goodies. But I'll try to remember to keep all three in somewhere...
1.) For those of you who can't get enough of me here (ahem) you can read some of my writing somewhere else this week! My review of Leonard and Virginia Woolf, The Hogarth Press, and the Networks of Modernism (phew) ed. Helen Southworth is in the CILIP Rare Books Newsletter. Have a gander here (it's in Issue 91) if you fancy it. In summary, it's a good book! And my review starts by quoting E.M. Delafield.
2.) Linda Gillard's A Lifetime Burning is a very good, strange, wonderful book. I said that, in a few more words, back in a rather speedy review here. It's now available on Kindle here at the ridiculously cheap price of 88p. It's not the most comfortable read ever, but it is Linda's masterpiece. Twenty-six reviews on Amazon; all five-star - that's got to mean something.
3.) Peirene's Short Story Month competition (PeiShoStoMo), which I mentioned here, is done and dusted. Lots of congrats to Rose Rankin-Gee and her great story 'London', which you can read here.
4.) Some other lovely bloggers are joining in A Century of Books: see what Fleur Fisher, Read the Book, Geranium Cat and Harriet Devine have planned, and let me know if you post your own plans on your blog. (Sorry if you've already told me and I forgot!)

6.) Finally, I was delighted with Slightly Foxed sent me the latest of their Slightly Foxed Editions: it's Dodie Smith's autobiography Look Back With Love. One of her autobiographies, I should say, since I think she penned a fair few. I've been wanting to read this for a while, since I love I Capture the Castle, and this beautiful edition is perfect. I hope to get onto it soon, but for now - more info is here.
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