2.) The blog post - Melwyk over at The Indextrious Reader has started up a really interesting Postal Reading Challenge - reading books with postal themes (e.g. collections of letters - those of you who got excited about Maxwell/Welty or Maxwell/Warner collections could jump on board!) Head over here to find out more.
3.) The link - I just wanted to remind you to WATCH THE LIZZIE BENNET DIARIES if you're not already. (A re-telling of Pride and Prejudice through vlogs - I first wrote about here.) It's got so good recently - and Lydia Bennet's channel is also brilliant. Mary Kate Wiles (along with the writers) has really fleshed out Lydia to be a very sympathetic, thorough character, rather than the silly, flighty girl that Lizzie sees (and thus that we see in the novel.) Lydia's channel is here, and Lizzie's is here. There are quite a lot of videos to watch, but I'll make it easy for you to start - here is ep.1 of Lizzie's channel.
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